Climate Change

Inventory, Local Action Plan and Community Energy Planning for reducing GHG Emissions


Town of Sussex

Update: December 2018

Partners for Climate Protection Program

10 New Brunswick municipalities have passed the 5 stages of PCP!


Regional Car Sharing System for Electric Vehicles

For the Municipal Administration

Reduce GHG Emissions by 33% for 2025
Local Action Plan 2018-2025
Baseline and Target

The goal of the Town of Sussex’s Corporate Action Plan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 33% by 2025 from their 2015 baseline.

For Sussex, the emissions calculated for the year 2015 allow us to estimate the reductions required to reach the target set by the Municipality’s action plan to approximately 347 tons or 33%.

Analysis of the Outcome of the Action Plan

Achieving of the objective of Sussex’s Action Plan would mean that the level of corporate GHG emissions for the year 2025 be at 702.1 tons of eq. CO2. This is a decrease of 350.3 tons from the 2015 emissions level of 1 052.4 tons of eq. CO2. This represents a potential reduction of 33.3%, which is 0.3 percentage points above the target of 33% and 3.0 tons more than the targeted reduction of 347 tons.

Project Portfolio

The most recent measures, technologies and programs have been analyzed and evaluated. They form the basis of the action plans produced by YHC Environnement. Then, based on the 2015 inventory data, as well as the characteristics and needs of the Town of Sussex, the development of the Project Portfolio was completed.

The action plan contains five (5) projects whose potential reductions are estimated at 51.9 tons of CO2 equivalent.

Projects completed prior to the adoption of the Action Plan (Early Actions)

Some projects have been completed or initiated by the Town of Sussex between the reference year of the inventory (2015) and the year of adoption of the action plan presented (2018). These early actions have contributed to the municipality’s effort to reduce corporate GHG emissions.

The action plan identified the completion of six (6) projects whose estimated reductions were estimated at 298.4 tons of CO2 equivalent.

For the Community and Energy Planning

Reduce GHG emissions by 10% for 2025 and 30% for 2035
Local Action Plan 2018 - 2025 and 2035
Reference Level and Target

The goal of the Town of Sussex’s Community Action Plan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2025 and 30% by 2035 from their 2015 baseline.

For Sussex, the emissions calculated for the year 2015 allow us to estimate the reductions required to reach the target set by the Community’s action plan to approximately 4 674.8 tons or 10% by 2025 and 14 024.5 tons or 30% by 2035.

Analysis of the Outcome of the Action Plan

Achieving the objective of Sussex’s Action Plan would mean that the level of community GHG emissions for the year 2025 be at 41 786 tons of eq. CO2. This is a decrease of 4 962 tons from the 2015 emissions level of 46 748 tons of eq. CO2. This represents a potential reduction of 10.6%, which is 0.6 percentage point above the target of 10% and 287.6 tons more than the targeted reduction of 4 674.8 tons.

Project Portfolio

The most recent measures, technologies and programs have been analyzed and evaluated. They form the basis of the action plans produced by YHC Environnement. Then, based on the 2015 inventory data, as well as the characteristics and needs of the Community of Sussex, the development of the Project Portfolio was completed. 

The action plan contains twelve (14) projects whose potential reductions are estimated at 4 962.5 tons of CO2 equivalent.